Luenell Destroys Chris Darden for Defending Nipsey Hussle's Alleged Killer
Luenell SLAMS Chris Darden as 'Race Traitor' For Defending Nipsey's Alleged Murderer

Comedian Luenell is absolutely furious at Chris Darden and going nuclear on him ... saying he's worse than an "Uncle Tom" for defending Nipsey Hussle's alleged killer.
We got Luenell outside Katsuya Monday night in Hollywood, and took her temperature on Darden putting himself in the center of another high-profile case in the African-American community. She makes it crystal clear ... "most of the people in my community, we're appalled" Darden has signed on to rep Eric Holder in the murder case.
Check out the vid ... Luenell doesn't mince words, calling the former O.J. Simpson prosecutor everything from a Judas to a race traitor to a bitch -- to name just a few of the gems she dropped.

It's clear Luenell's still heated over Darden's role in O.J.'s murder trial. On top of that, Darden is NOT getting her vote for Daddy of the Year -- she's livid Darden's daughter is getting harassed as a result of his decision to take Holder's case.
As for that whole Constitution thing ... which gives EVERY citizen the right to legal counsel -- Luenell has an answer for that too, and it ain't pretty.